Therapeutic nutrition for pancreatitis. diet number 5p

diet menu for pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a common disease of Organs internal organs. The pathology is treated not only with drugs, but also with dietary nutrition, including the 5p diet. The weekly menu for pancreatitis requires the elimination of most foods from the diet and also consists of special cooking methods. The task of dietary nutrition is to bring the pancreas into normal operation.

What is the 5p diet

The 5p therapeutic diet for pancreatitis is important at all stages of the disease and can lead to decreased bile stasis in the ducts, suppresses hyperfermentemia and reduces bile sensitivity.

During signs of pathology, table 5p has a beneficial effect not only during acute manifestations. In a chronic course, such nutrition will help to improve the metabolic processes of the gland, resume its work and a disturbed diet, and prevent the occurrence of recurrences and the progression of the disease.

The diet starts on the 4th day after the relapse. Before therapy, you will need to starve yourself for 3 days. Table 5p in the pathology of pancreatitis is prescribed along with drug treatment. Such a dietary diet involves the abandonment of most dishes that can complicate the patient's situation.

Products used in preparing dishes for pancreatitis will need to be crushed or ground. Both are steamed and boiled. Thanks to these cooking methods, proteins increase, the level of carbohydrates, fats and substances with an extractive nature, which have a high cellulose content, decreases, stimulating the activity of the digestive glands.

The diet is divided into 2 stages. There are no characteristic differences between the tables, but the No. 1 diet is softer and lighter, it does not allow the use of individual products that can be consumed in the No. 2 diet.

5p diet part one

With pancreatitis, table number 1 is indicated if there is an acute form of the disease and a marked exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. Thanks to table 5 according to Pevzner, iron is accelerated as much as possible and the pain syndrome is eliminated.

Diet 5 for pancreatitis is sparing and is prescribed after a 3-day hunger strike. But as this table does not meet the physiological patterns of food consumption and the patient's need, it is prescribed for the 5th day.

In chronic pancreatitis, the content of the 5th table includes low calorie intake with the presence of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

With this disease, the adult diet involves multiple food intake - up to 8 times, and the proportions necessary for health are from 100 to 300 grams.

All products are boiled and have a liquid consistency, and on the 6th day, the menu for pancreatitis is replenished with semi-viscous products.

As a result of the fact that liquid and carbohydrate dishes have an insignificant stimulant of pancreatic and gastric secretion, after the hunger strike has passed, the table is replenished with carbohydrate products.

The 5p diet for chronic pancreatitis consists of the following dishes:

  1. Mucous soups, the basis of which can be various cereals, decoctions of vegetables.
  2. Grated liquid cereals cooked in water.
  3. Light tea with sugar.
  4. Mousse, jam, jelly, made from fruit juice in xylitol.
  5. Vegetable puree without the use of oil.
  6. Steamed vegetable puddings.
  7. Compote with dried fruits.
  8. Crackers, white stale bread.
  9. Cookie.

After 2 days after ending the 5-carb diet in chronic pancreatitis, it is allowed to introduce protein foods.

  1. Prepare creamy soups that can be based on cooked meat.
  2. Egg like steam omelet, boiled and boiled protein omelet.
  3. Steamed meatballs, beef, chicken, fish quenelles.
  4. Creative puddings.
  5. Butter used in prepared dishes.

When the pain subsided, the acute symptoms of pancreatitis were relieved, the treatment of table 5 gave positive results, then the diet is gradually expanded, prescribing nutritional therapy #2, indicated after an exacerbation and a mild manifestation of a chronic disease.

To understand what the fifth table includes, what the doctor can and cannot tell you individually after the examination.

5p diet part two

Table 5 of follow-up therapy for pancreatitis is recommended for a long period of time - up to one year. The diet will help prevent pathology attacks in the future.

Table number 5 also implies thermal, mechanical and chemical principles of preparation, which help to reduce digestive stimulation of the affected organ.

The energy level is low. The amount of protein, vitamins with lipotropic substances is slightly higher than in relation to the therapeutic diet #1. With pancreatitis, dishes in limited volume should have:

You can not consume fried foods, and those that can lead to a strong formation of gases, fermentation of the stomach and intestines.

Dishes are steamed or boiled. Initially, use grated and then chopped food.

food preparation products

The diet for the pathology of pancreatitis consists of several acceptable #5 table products:

  1. Yesterday's bread, made from 1-2 degree flour, to prevent bloating, as well as unsweetened dry cookies.
  2. Vegetable cereal soups. The groats in the first dish must be ground. It is allowed to consume buckwheat, rice, semolina porridge, pasta. Vegetable ingredients are isolated - potatoes, carrots. As a sauce, use sour cream or butter.
  3. Lean meats are rabbit, chicken, beef, veal and poultry. It is important that the product does not contain fat, tendons, skin. Dishes are steamed, grated, chopped, boiled and baked. You can eat veal, rabbit, zucchini, stuffed with chicken, steamed meatballs.
  4. The fish is lean, steamed or boiled. You cannot let the fish in as it contains a lot of extractives compared to a boiled product.
  5. Protein omelets, a boiled egg.
  6. Dairy products with a minimum percentage of fat. Since milk is poorly tolerated by the stomach, use it only in the preparation of milk porridges, sauces, soups. It is allowed to use cottage cheese, preparing puddings, casseroles from it. Eat soft grated cheese. If the patient suffers from calcium deficiency, it is necessary to eat calcined cottage cheese.
  7. Sweet apples baked in the oven. Using fruits and berries, it is allowed to cook kissel, jam, jam. Dried fruits are eaten grated. It is recommended to use fresh fruit with grated fruit.
  8. Drinking during dietary treatment, light tea is allowed, sugar consumption should be reduced by half, juices dissolved in water, rosehip broth.
  9. After a pancreatic attack, gradually include fats in the diet. Initially, up to 20 grams of butter for sauce and then vegetable oil, in the amount of 15 grams.

When a diet is recommended for pancreatic pancreatitis, a dimensional menu for one week is developed by an individual specialist, based on the characteristics of the patient's body.

Sample weekly meal plan

As is already known, the therapeutic diet for the pathology of pancreatitis involves a slow expansion of the table. In the initial phase, diet therapy includes grated foods and cooked vegetables. It is allowed to eat 200 grams of bread and 20 grams of sugar a day.

Switching to the second version of the diet table, the main dishes remain unchanged, but fresh vegetable salads are still allowed. The volume of products is also increasing.

  1. Bread - rye 100 gr. , Wheat - 200 gr.
  2. Sugar - 40 gr.
  3. Butter up to 30 gr. per day.

The menu is signed per day in case of illness. The names of products and dishes for pancreatitis for a week are different.

1 day

  1. Breakfast - rice porridge, cottage cheese, tea.
  2. Lunch - an apple baked in the oven with cottage cheese.
  3. Lunch - oat soup, meatballs, vegetable puree, compote.
  4. Snack - croutons with fruit drink.
  5. Dinner - scrambled eggs, tea with lemon.
  6. The second dinner is milk for the night.

2 days

  1. Breakfast - cheesecakes with pieces of dried apricots, cheese, tea.
  2. Lunch - oatmeal porridge with apple juice.
  3. Lunch - meatballs, pumpkin porridge, green tea.
  4. Snack - rice pudding.
  5. Dinner - vegetable casserole and boiled chicken breast, tea.
  6. The second dinner is cookies, fruit drink.

3 days

  1. Breakfast - semolina porridge with butter and sugar, bread, tea.
  2. Lunch pudding with ryazhenka.
  3. Lunch - vermicelli soup, roasted chicken meat with vegetables.
  4. Snack - yogurt and an apple baked in the oven.
  5. Dinner - a casserole with minced meat, potatoes, low-fat sour cream, bread and jam.
  6. The second dinner is kefir.

Day 4

  1. Breakfast - protein steam omelet with tomato, tea.
  2. Lunch - vinaigrette without salted cucumbers, cabbage, bread.
  3. Lunch - steamed cod, rice soup, tomato juice.
  4. Snack - cottage cheese and compote, cooked from dried fruits.
  5. Dinner - boiled beets with prunes, minced meat, tea.
  6. The second dinner is ryazhenka.

Day 5

  1. Breakfast - porridge with rice flour, curd jelly, compote.
  2. Lunch - scrambled eggs with juice.
  3. Lunch - meat soup, chops, rice cooked with a piece of butter, compote.
  4. Snack - chicken breast dumplings.
  5. Dinner - hake cutlets with vegetable puree, apricot juice.
  6. The second dinner is kefir.


  1. Breakfast - rice, steamed meatballs, tea.
  2. Lunch - cottage cheese, jam.
  3. Lunch - vegetable soup on a diet table with grated vegetables, turkey cutlet, mashed potatoes and fruit drink.
  4. Snack - crackers, tea.
  5. Dinner - semolina, scrambled eggs, light tea.
  6. The second dinner is half a glass of mineral water.

Day 7

  1. Breakfast - mannik with raisins, cottage cheese pudding, milk tea.
  2. Lunch - boiled cabbage, rice.
  3. Lunch - oat soup, cabbage rolls with boiled meat, sour cream, kissel.
  4. Snack - cottage cheese, juice.
  5. Dinner - rice porridge, mineral water.
  6. The second dinner is carrot juice.

The dietary diet for the pathology of pancreatitis should have a large supply of food per day. Recipes for dishes for every day will transform the table and allow you to diversify it.

Recipes for the 5p diet

The 5p diet for pancreatitis is the most common variation of the table, with the presence of a wide variety of dishes, so it is easy for the patient to go on a weekly diet.

vegetarian creamy soup

The recipe contains the following products:

  • carrots - 2 pcs. ;
  • potatoes - 250 gr. ;
  • vegetable broth - 0. 7 l. ;
  • celery - 2 stalks;
  • olive oil - a tablespoon;
  • onion - half.

Cut the onion and drizzle with boiling water. You can dry the vegetable a little in a pan. Put the broth on the stove, add the onions, prepared vegetables and add a little salt. Cook for 40 minutes.

Beat the finished dish with a blender. You can eat it with cookies.

Vegetable ragout

You will need 5 potatoes cut into cubes and placed in a cauldron. Send grated carrots and chopped onions, pumpkins and tomatoes to him.

Pour the vegetables with water, salt. Cook over medium heat for about 20 minutes. Sprinkle the dish with dill when serving.

Oven baked fish

When dieting, you will need a low-fat type of fish. The product is cut into portions and placed on a baking sheet. Then chop the onion, grate the carrot. Arrange the vegetables on top of the fish, sprinkle with lemon juice, salt.

Wrap the dish in aluminum foil and bake in the oven for half an hour.

Such 5 diet recipes for pancreatitis make the menu varied, and the patient will be satisfied and enjoy the meal.

Diet number 5p: menu for a week with pancreatitis. Revenues. What is possible and what is not?

Pancreatitis is one of the most common diseases of Organs internal organs. He is treated not only with medication, but also with special nutrition, which includes diet #5p. The week-long menu with pancreatitis requires the exclusion of many products, as well as a special way of cooking. The purpose of the diet is to normalize all the functions of the pancreas.

What is the 5p diet for?

Therapeutic nutrition is often used for pathologies of the liver, pancreas, intestines, stomach and bile-forming organs. The food system here requires the use of certain foods that are prepared in a certain way. An important role is played by the frequency of meals and the temperature of the dishes consumed.

Diet #5p (menu for a week with pancreatitis) was developed in 1920 by general practitioner M. I. Pevzner and has not lost its relevance at the time. It is prescribed for the exacerbation of pancreatitis. It is able not only to provide the patient with good nutrition, but also to normalize the functions of the pancreas. It has a positive effect on bile secretion and the liver. It promotes the accumulation of glycogen, unloads cholesterol and the metabolism of fats. It stabilizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Baking Table Feature No. 5p

Dishes in Diet No. 5p should have a higher content of pectins, liquids, lipotropic components and dietary fiber. For the treatment period, a regimen of fractionated meals is introduced, patients eat 5-6 times a day. Products are steamed, baked or boiled. When cooking, vegetables are not browned. Foods rich in fiber are cleaned, the rest is chopped.

The diet limits the intake of fats and carbohydrates. The main diet consists of protein products. Dishes with oxalic acid, containing a lot of cholesterol, with coarse fiber and containing purines, are excluded from the menu. Remove foods that have a lot of essential oils and fried foods. Salt should be consumed no more than 10 g a day, and water - up to two liters.

Meals must be taken hot. Cold and hot foods are contraindicated.

Indications for dietary nutrition

Diet #5p (menu for one week with pancreatitis) is indicated for patients with acute and chronic pancreatitis, after therapeutic starvation, during an unstable remission.

Diet Table Principles No. 5p

Diet number 5p is designed to stabilize the pancreas. It spares the stomach and intestines as much as possible, relieves pain, reduces the reflex excitability of the biliary organ. When observed, it is necessary to adhere to the following principles:

  • before the diet, you need to fast for 3-7 days;
  • the way of eating should be divided, 5-6 times a day;
  • you need to eat in small portions, up to 300 g;
  • dishes must be steamed, boiled or baked;
  • a balanced diet must be introduced, containing all the vitamins and minerals needed by the body;
  • all foods must be semi-liquid and grated;
  • temperature regime of ready-to-eat dishes - 20-25 ° С;
  • consumption of fats and carbohydrates is reduced to a minimum.

For therapy to be effective, all rules of therapeutic nutrition must be observed. You must not break the bans until a complete remission or recovery occurs.

Diet No. 5p: chemical composition

Diet #5p should have a daily calorie content of 1700-2500 kcal. Carbohydrates on the menu are given 50 g, fats - 70 g, proteins - 100 g. No more than 10 g of salt is consumed per day.

According to the content of vitamins, retinol in the menu should be about 10 mg, thiamine - 10 mg, riboflavin - 2 mg, nicotinic acid - 1. 6 mg, vitamin C - 150 mg, sodium - 3 g, phosphorus - 1. 3 g, calcium - 0. 8 g, magnesium - 0. 5 g, iron - 0. 03 g.

allowed foods

Requires compliance with all necessary rules of diet number 5p. The soups here are recommended to take vegetables, with the addition of cereals. You cannot add roast to them. It is allowed to eat buckwheat, rice, vermicelli, oatmeal and semolina. The bread should be yesterday's wheat, grade 1-2 flour. You can use sugar-free cookies.

Vegetables are eaten cooked or grated. The use of lean meat and fish of low-fat varieties is allowed. You can eat boiled eggs as well as steamed scrambled eggs, but no more than once a day. All cereals are cooked in low-fat milk or water. Baked and crushed apples, low-fat dairy products and dishes from them are allowed.

Diet #5p also includes cooked vermicelli in the diet. The sample menu involves the use of fruits and berries. They can be eaten in the form of jam, raw - mashed or baked. With this diet, they drink tea with lemon, not too strong, or rosehip broth, natural juices diluted in water with no added sugar. Vegetable oil is allowed - 15 g per dish, plus butter - no more than 30 g per day.

forbidden food

Diet No. 5p has a lot of power restrictions. The prohibited foods to eat in the treatment of pancreatitis are as follows:

  • fatty meat and fish broths;
  • any alcohol, as well as strong tea and coffee;
  • cold, hot and carbonated drinks;
  • smoked products, sausages and sausages;
  • fresh and rye bread;
  • fish caviar;
  • radish, turnip, radish, sorrel and spinach;
  • dairy products, including yogurt;
  • flour products;
  • sour and spicy dishes;
  • mushrooms of any form;
  • savory and pickled dishes;
  • high-fat dairy products;
  • canned food;
  • candy;
  • citrus;
  • grape juice;
  • fast food, chips, nuts and crackers.

Despite the bans on many products, diet #5p (table) is very effective in treating pancreatitis. What you can, what you can't eat - this was discussed above, and then we'll talk about the menu in the treatment of pancreatitis.

Type of medical nutrition

Diet No. 5p exists in two versions. The first is used for acute pancreatitis - No. 5a, and the second for chronic - No. 5b.

In diet #5a, the daily caloric intake should not exceed 1700 kcal. All foods are liquid and pureed. Under the ban is food that can stimulate the secretory function of the pancreas. This meal lasts for about a week.

In diet #5b, the calorie content increases to 2, 700 kcal. The amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats increases. All broths and decoctions are excluded to reduce the release of pancreatic secretions. All foods are consumed in puree form.

Diet number 5p: menu for a week with pancreatitis

During the week, with an exacerbation of pancreatitis, the menu should be as follows.

Monday. In the morning, for breakfast: a steamed omelet made from one yolk and two proteins, plus a decoction of rosehip. For the second breakfast, they have a baked pear. At lunchtime - borscht, meatballs made from low-fat fish and boiled rice. In the afternoon, it is recommended to have a snack with cookies and drink a glass of milk. Dinner should be boiled chicken breast, Hercules porridge, and weak black tea. Before going to bed, drink 250 g of low-fat kefir.

Tuesday. Morning: Mannik with raisins plus pudding with berries and low-fat cottage cheese and tea with skimmed milk. 2nd breakfast: boiled rice and cabbage. For lunch, a vegetarian soup is recommended, for the second: cabbage rolls with boiled meat. From drinks - jelly made from berries. Snack: Low-fat cottage cheese and compote, cooked from dried fruit. In the evening, for dinner, they cook rice porridge with skim milk and drink a glass of mineral water. Before bed: 250 g of carrot juice.

Wednesday. In the morning: syrniki with dried apricots, plus cheese and rosehip tea. During the second breakfast, they eat buckwheat porridge with apple juice. For lunch, beef burgers with pumpkin puree and green tea are served. Rice pudding is perfect for an afternoon snack. In the evening they eat vegetable casserole and boiled chicken, drink weak tea. Before going to bed: berry juice with sugar-free cookies.

Thursday. In the morning: scrambled eggs steamed with two proteins and a tomato. A glass of weak tea. For the 2nd breakfast there is a vinaigrette without sauerkraut and pickles, a piece of bread. At lunch, boiled cod, rice soup and tomato juice are served. In the afternoon, they eat berry jam and drink unsweetened tea. They dine on beet salad with plums and boiled lean meat and tea with milk. In the evening: a glass of boiled fermented milk.

Friday. In the morning: semolina porridge, weak tea and bread with hard cheese. 2nd breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream, pumpkin juice. At lunchtime, soup with vegetables and noodles, low-fat boiled fish with zucchini and cauliflower is recommended. You can add fresh fruit and unsweetened tea. For an afternoon snack, a warm carrot salad and red berry jam is offered. You can dine on cottage cheese and buckwheat, as well as drink green tea. 2nd dinner: 250 g of milk with breadcrumbs.

Saturday. For breakfast: curd pudding and a glass of milk. The 2nd breakfast is based on carrot puree with jam. Lunch consists of vegetarian borscht, steamed turkey chops and weak lemon tea. For an afternoon snack, fruit jam is recommended. For dinner - macaroni and cheese soup, pumpkin salad with apples and tea with a spoon of honey. Before going to bed - 250 g of boiled fermented milk.

Sunday. In the morning: oatmeal with milk, grated fruit with curd, in addition to jam. For a second breakfast, an apple baked in the oven should be served. Lunch: zucchini soup, rabbit roasted in sour cream and buckwheat, tea. Afternoon snack: sugar-free cottage cheese mousse with carrot juice. They dine on fish cakes, boiled rice and tea with a slice of lemon. Before bed: fruit jelly.

Unwashed Food Option: One-Day Menu

As soon as the pain starts to subside, you can introduce non-mashed dishes into the diet. An approximate menu would look like this:

  • Breakfast. Loose buckwheat plus vinaigrette without the addition of pickles and sauerkraut. Meat cooked in puree. As a drink, semi-sweet tea is recommended.
  • 2nd breakfast. Tea with cookies and some plums.
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup allowed. Boiled potatoes with a piece of boiled chicken. For dessert - an apple and weak tea.
  • afternoon tea. Homemade low-fat cottage cheese and compote, cooked from dried fruit.
  • Dinner. Vermicelli with boiled fish and tea.
  • Before going to bed. Tea with milk and a biscuit.

Two days after the exacerbation of pancreatitis, doctors advise drinking warm mineral water up to a liter a day. Rosehip decoction will be useful. From the third day onwards, if the patient's health improves, liquid cereals and mucous soups are introduced, as well as vegetable purees and jellies.

Diet #5p according to Pevzner

The Pevzner Diet suggests that when symptoms of pancreatitis exacerbation subside, use the following menu:

  • Breakfast. Buckwheat puree or rice porridge, from drinks - milk jelly.
  • Lunch. Fruit jelly and a glass of mineral water;
  • Dinner. Oatmeal soup, carrot puree and steamed beef soufflé. Weak tea.
  • afternoon tea. Protein steam omelet plus a rosehip decoction.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat porridge puree, cottage cheese souffle.
  • Second dinner. A glass of mineral water with crackers.

The Pevzner diet does not involve the use of salt, and the daily dose of sugar is 20 g.

Diet number 5p: recipes

The following dishes are suitable for diet #5p:

  • Vegetable stew. Large potatoes (5 pieces) are cut into cubes and placed in a pan. Grated carrots, chopped onions, pumpkin and tomatoes are added to it. Vegetables are poured into 300 g of water, salted and cooked over medium heat for about twenty minutes. The finished dish is sprinkled with herbs.
  • Baked fish. Low-fat fish is cut into pieces and placed in aluminum foil. Then the onion is chopped and the carrots are rubbed. Vegetables are placed on top of the fish, everything is sprinkled with lemon juice and sprinkled with salt. The fish with vegetables is wrapped in foil and cooked until tender in the oven.

These #5p diet recipes for every day will help diversify the menu. They will give you a feeling of satiety and satisfaction.

Doctors' top recommendations

Chronic pancreatitis (diet #5p is very effective for this disease) in the acute phase is treated not only with medication, but also with adequate nutrition. Doctors advise to take diet #5p responsibly. Do not get carried away with over-the-counter sweets, as the use of sugar in an amount greater than 60 g can cause an exacerbation of pancreatitis.

It is useful to drink mineral water during therapeutic nutrition. It is best to consume it warm before bed, in small sips. All food must be ground, coarse pieces will irritate the internal organs. From greens, parsley and dill are allowed.

Doctors with pancreatitis advise once again not to disturb the pancreas and to stick to an economical menu.